The term Demography is coined from two Greek words Demos, meaning "People" and Graphien meaning "to draw, that is, deseribe or the science or studies." Demography, therefore, means description of people. Achille Guillard was the first man to use the world demography. According to Achille Guillard. "it is the statistical knowledge of human population". Hence, demography refers to the scientific study of population, primarily with development. In other words, demography is a science dealing with the birth, death, migration and marriage (social mobility) of human population. The study of population characteristics and changes in the size and structure of population of a particular geographical area is called demography. In short, demography is the study of population.
Demography is the science of human population and the social condition of a nation. In demography, we study the size, distribution, composition and their changes in a society. It is a science which studies chiefly of births, deaths, marriage and migration. It discovers the laws which control the movement of population. Thus, demography may be defined as the numerical analysis of the state and movement of population inclusive of census enumeration and registration of vital events. It salso studies the impact of public health measures, diet and nutrition, qualitative aspect of population. In short, demography is the mathematical, statistical and scientific study of the size, composition, distribution and other changes of population.
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